Ethiopia Sewda Anaerobic Natural
Regular price $28.00Cranberry Sauce / Jam / Dark Chocolate
Country Ethiopia
Region Oromia, Guji
Farm Sewda Washing Station
Cultivar Ethiopian Heirloom
Process Anaerobic Natural
Elevation 1900 - 1975 masl
The Sewda Natural Coffee Processing Wet Mill is located in the region of Oromia, Guji, Ethiopia. It is a purchasing and processing station, where local coffee farmers harvest ripe cherries and deliver them daily. It serves around 600 smallholder farmers in the area. Upon delivery, cherries are weighed, organized, and sorted accordingly. Contributing producers are paid a market price that includes a premium for high-quality selection.
Coffees in Ethiopia are typically grown on very small plots of land by farmers who also grow other crops. The majority of smallholders will deliver their coffee in cherry to a nearby washing station or central processing unit, where their coffee will be sorted, weighed, and paid for or given a receipt. Coffee is then processed, usually washed or natural, by the washing station and dried on raised beds.
The washing stations serve as many as several hundred to sometimes a thousand or more producers, who deliver cherry throughout the harvest season: The blending of these cherries into day lots makes it virtually impossible under normal circumstances to know precisely whose coffee winds up in which bags on what day, making traceability to the producer difficult. We do, however, make every available effort to source coffee from the same washing stations every year, through our export partners and their connections with mills and washing stations.
Typically farmers in this region don't have access to and therefore do not utilize fertilizers or pesticides in the production of coffee.