Ethiopia Aricha Washed
Regular price $18.00Lemonade / Peach / Honeydew Melon
Country Ethiopia
Region Edido, Aricha, Yirgacheffe
Farm Various smallholder farmers delivering to the Aricha Washing Station
Cultivar Heirloom Ethiopian varieties
Process Washed
Elevation 1850 - 1880 masl
Aricha is the name of the washing station where this coffee is processed. Edido is the village, or kebele,where this coffee is grown and processed, in a microregion of Yirgacheffe. Aricha is about 8 kilometers from the center of Yirgacheffe Town. The soils in this region are red-brown clay soil, about 1.5 meters deep. We like the complex, almost tropical quality of coffees from Aricha, along with their juicy fruitiness and sugary, floral sweetness.
Coffees in Ethiopia are typically traceable to the washing station level, where smallholder farmers—many of whom own less than 1/2 hectare of land, and as little as 1/8 hectare on average—deliver cherry by weight to receive payment at a market rate. The coffee is sorted and processed into lots without retaining information about whose coffee harvest is in which bag or which lot.